Looking for Therapy Services for Your Child?


We know that it can be overwhelming to know where to start! If you’d like for your child to receive services at Turn Center, here is a step-by-step guide.

  1. Start the a conversation with your child’s primary care provider: All of Turn Center’s services are referral-based, so make an appointment to discuss your concerns

  2. Get a referral: If your provider has similar concerns, they will issue a referral for evaluation. There are lots of therapy clinics in Amarillo, but you have a choice as a parent and you can ask to be referred to Turn Center specifically! We provide occupational, physical, speech, and feeding therapies for children from birth to age 21, and mental health counseling for all ages as individuals, as well as entire families.

  3. Wait by the phone: Once we receive your referral, our business team will call you within 24 hours (1 business day). It is important to answer this call, or to call back immediately if you miss it. If we cannot connect with you within 48 hours (2 business days), we send back a note to your provider that you did not respond, and we will not be scheduling an evaluation.

  4. Schedule an evaluation: This call will give you an idea when you can expect to be seen for an evaluation. Depending upon many factors, including but not limited to the type of therapy, the age of the child, and the severity of the issue, you could be seen as soon as the following week, or up to several months. Tip: The more flexible you can be in scheduling, the faster we can get you in!

  5. Complete medical history forms: Before you arrive for your evaluation, you must complete all forms in the patient portal, as provided by our business office. This includes, but is not limited to, acceptance of financial responsibility, consent to treat, and clinic policies. Please note: the medical history is the most important part of this packet! You must answer it completely, and the therapist must have it in hand before they can complete the evaluation.

  6. Attend the evaluation: The evaluation is critical and cannot be missed. The evaluation is when we determine a plan of care for your child, if services are necessary. At the evaluation, you will receive your child’s placement on the treatment schedule - it may be at a different time from the evaluation, or with a different therapist than the one who completed the evaluation.